Woods Hall Gallery and Studios
- Arts & Crafts
- Art Galleries
- Art Galleries
- Art Schools
- Book Sellers
- Classes/Workshops
- Gift/Specialty Retail
- Gifts & Specialty Items
- Gifts & Specialty Items
- Jewelry

Woods Hall Gallery Shop and Studios, a historic artisan cooperative offers working studios in weaving, pottery and jewelry, with memberships available to the public. Presently, over 80 artisans display items for sale in the renovated gallery space. Our Gallery artisans are Island residents or those with a strong connection to Madeline Island life.
Woods Hall is a place of teaching, sharing and learning, and a haven of mutual support. We feature artist demonstrations and special exhibitions on a regular basis. The shop is open daily from June through early October, and occasional weekend hours during the off-season -
- Weaving
- Pottery
- Jewelry
- Felt, Wood, Glass, Knit
A few steps from downtown La Pointe, Right from the Ferry dock on Main Street. Next to St. John's church, across from Joni's Beach.